Thursday, August 21, 2008

Ok, Ok- I'll blog already!!!

I've Been Tagged By Annie Banannie! The Rules:-Link the Person who Tagged you-Mention rules on your blog-Tell about 6 quirks of yours-Tag 6 fellow bloggers to do the same-Leave a comment to let them know.
I TAG- Hollie. Sorry, I don't know 6 fellow bloggers- and tagging is just rude! hee hee

So, here's the 6 quirky things about me...

No. 1: I ABSOLUTELY HATE even numbers. I'm a total numbers freak. I count everything- objects, lines on the road, faces... you name it, I count it. And I do everything in 3's. I use 3 squirts of soap to wash my hands, then 3 paper towels to dry them. Yep- Super Freak!! (P.S. 9-9-09!!!)

No. 2: I'm just waiting for a completely tragic and bizarre accident to either kill or mame me. For example: when I'm standing at my kitchen sink, I just know that at any minute my knees are going to give out on me and I'll smack my face on the counter and knock out all of my teeth!! Don't laugh- it could really happen.

No. 3: I have a very strict bed time during the week. I must be in bed no later then 10:30, and believe me, if it's later then 10:30 I am NOT a happy camper!! To prove my point, let me expand on the subject. When Riley and I rent a movie during the week, we have to check how long it is so that we know the latest possible time we can start it for me to still be in bed by 10:30. Riley thinks the whole thing is ridiculous, but deals with it, because it's not changing!

No. 4: (another stupid even number) This is getting challenging... Some of my favorite things are monster truck events, drag racing, ultimate fighting, football (Go Raiders!!).... you know, the real "girly" things.

No. 5: Ok this is goofy and I can't believe I'm sharing this- but here ya go. When I read a book, i.e. Twilight, or The Confessions of a Shopaholic- I always get so consumed with the female character. What I mean is, I start thinking like that character, and talking in my head how I think they would sound. Hmmm, I'm not doing a very good job describing this, so if you want a more in depth explantion- call me! HA HA HA

No. 6: (Six is the number I HATE most of all)- Ok- I really am a wierd-o! My final quirky thing is that I can't stand certain words. I am NOT going to post the words I can't stand, because then some people (Andrea) think it's really funny to say them to me over and over and over.

So there ya have it!! Thanks Andrea- this was such a blast, and I'm sure everyone thoroughly enjoyed it! Oh, and I promise I'm going to do a catch up post some time soon, and then I'll try to post more regularly! Thanks


Hollie said...

2,4,6,8 who do i think is GRRRR-8!!!??? RACHELLLL...did you like that?? i figured since your SUCH a fan of even numbers:) it makes me sad that you think of yourself falling in the kitchen and busting out your teeth...even scary picture is YOU ...without teeth. hehe. WOW 10:30 learning so much about you...i didnt know you were a monster truck, drag girl?? who woulda you make me laugh when your writing this and you have to write an even number..ARG...and dont feel bad about pretending your the character, because for instance im just about done with the first book "twilight" and i SO wish i was Bella and that Edward was Stroking my Collar bone and his nose to my jaw..freak man...he can touch whatever..haha oh were you not meaning that?? did i say to much?? moving the way i hope some of these words are some on your "CANT STAND LIST" if so...dont tell me;) ps. Rach:THANK YOU...your awe-some:)

Hollie said...

pps. i meant to say I HOPE some of these words ARENT on your "cant stand list"
the end

Miss Annie said...

Thanks a GRUNDLE for posting - you really are AWESOME!! (good going hollie, you hit that one and you didn't even know it!) You totally forgot to put that you freaking can't stand feet! That is one of the most quirky things about you! I'm just super thrilled that you finally posted! I check in on ya almost every day, maybe this will get you going!

Harisay Happenings said...

You are one of the quirkiest people I know. You have some major hang-ups...but we still love ya! Hooray for 9-9-09

Hollie said...

OH YEAH...i was totally going to mention the 9-9-09 thing!! I simply CANT WAIT:) HOORAY for you kids!!

Hollie said...

Rach...ummmm so awe-some huh??
lets just pretend i never wrote that down..yes you have evidence but ummm we can over pass that..right??
let me rephrase what i said...Rahc: THANK YOU...your WONDERFUL:)
thats better!!
ps. i need a hangout soon..please:)