Saturday, May 17, 2008

Can We Build It??? YES WE CAN!!!

My family and I are participating in the American Cancer Society's "Relay For Life". It's an all night event, so everyone sets up tents and of course, decorates them. We decided that since we're doing this in honor of Grandma Dille- we better make it as Dutch as possible. So we got together and started construction on our project...

I've got to give Jen props! She is quite amazing when it comes to pulling it out of thin air. Our plan to use spray paint went horribly wrong- so the Amazing Jennifer produced not only one, but TWO colors of paint for our handy dandy project!

This was hard work!! And oh ya- it was only about 85 degrees!

Tuckered out workers.

And here it is! Our hours of hard labor. Isn't it beautiful?? Oh, if you couldn't tell, it's going to be a windmill. We're only about half-finished. We need to attach the arms and do some detail work. I'll definitely post pics of the finished project.

Go Team!!

1 comment:

Hollie said...

Way to go girls. WOW you gals sure are talented...cant wait to see it all done!! YAY